Wild Wednesdays!

Wild Wednesdays! are designed to keep your child active, inquisitive, and engaged in learning about their world.  These screen-free mornings will provide a healthy dose of face-to-face peer interactions in a multi-sensory natural setting. Programming will focus on nature exploration, creative play, and problem solving, centered around a daily theme.  These enrichment offerings build real world context for a wide range of science and STEM concepts that your child will utilize throughout their educational journey.

Pre-K–2nd Grade class dates (8:45 AM-Noon): Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Dec. 2, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14, May 5.
3rd–6th Grade class dates (8:45 AM-Noon): Oct. 28, Nov. 11, Dec. 16, Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 31, April 28, May 19.

Sign up below or contact us to learn more!

Wild Wednesdays

MONDAY Explore Together - Fall, Winter, Spring Options
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WEDNESDAY Explore Together (Fall, Winter, Spring Options)
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W Explore Together - Spring 2024
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W Explore Together - Fall 2023
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THURSDAY Explore Together (Fall, Winter, Spring Options)
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TH Explore Together - Spring 2024
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TH Explore Together - Fall 2023
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5th-8th Grade Wild Wednesdays!
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Forest Fridays!
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PreK/K Wild Wednesdays!
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Pre K–2nd Grade
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3rd–6th Grade
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What to Expect



8:45- 9:15 AM  Check-in and Welcome (We have a window of time  for check in to try to spread out arrival times. We will have an independent activity your child can work on while we wait for each participant to arrive and get checked in for the day)

Theme of the Day Activities

Snack provided (healthy, nut-free)

Nature Exploration (hike, stream study, etc)

Noon - Sign out and Salutations

What to Bring

  • Clothing appropriate for current weather conditions 

  • Shoes that can get muddy 

  • Mask to be worn when using bathroom and when unable to remain socially distanced

  • Rain boots optional (to be worn for stream exploration)

  • Water bottle labeled with child’s name

  • Change of clothes (just in case!)

  • Towel (used to dry off if wet and/or sit on)

  • Any medications your child may need

What We Provide

  • Individually packaged snack

  • Hand washing opportunities (soap and water/hand sanitizer)

  • Safe and nurturing environment where your child can take healthy risks while pursuing endless nature exploration and scientific inquiry



Will each Wild Wednesday! be the same?

No. Each Wild Wednesday! program will have the same general structure for the day but each program has different theme. Certain similar outdoor exploration may happen each week such as hiking and exploring the meandering streams, but no two Wild Wednesdays! will be exactly the same. Your child can come for just one of the offerings or sign up for all 8 sessions this school year!

Is this a drop off program? 

Yes, sign your child in between 8:45-9:15 and then we will see you again at noon. Head for a cup of tea or coffee, read a book, hit the rail trails for a hike, or run errands. Enjoy some time to yourself while your child has a blast at camp!

Can I stay and join my child for the day? 

Due to COVID-19 recommendations, we cannot allow family members to remain on site. However, we of course want your child to feel comfortable. If you have concern that your son or daughter may have a hard time separating from you, feel free to send in a picture or object that brings them comfort. Our time together will be filled with a lot of fun and we are confident they will have a great time! When Rooted and Free Nature School (preschool) starts next year, we plan to have a cabin available for families to hangout in, however that space is not yet available.

Will my child get messy? 

Most likely, yes! And that is a wonderful sign of having a fabulous morning in nature!

Since it is located at a Christian camp, is Rooted & Free a Christian based school? 

Rooted & Free is based at Camp Kirchenwald but not affiliated with the Lutheran Camping Corporation. We welcome children of all creeds, colors, races, and backgrounds, and we respect and value those differences…READ MORE

What is Rooted and Free’s COVID-19 Response?

Please see our dedicated COVID-19 Response page.

What if the weather is bad?

Your child should come dressed for the full range of current weather conditions.  Home base is under a large covered pavilion that will protect us from most weather conditions.  In the case of unexpected severe weather we will take cover indoors.  We will follow Palmyra Area School District’s inclement weather decision.  You will be contacted if there’s a delay or closing for PASD, and we will reschedule that session.

What if my child is sick?

Please keep your child home if they are ill, for their sake and the sake of others.  Registration is non-refundable, though we will allow you to transfer that slot to a future Wild Wednesday! if there are openings.

Can I pay by cash or check?

We encourage you to use the online payment option, however, if you prefer to pay by cash or check please contact us.

Any questions we didn’t answer? 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have!