Suggested Reading


For Parents

Looking to learn more about the benefits of learning in nature? Here are a few of our favorites to add to your bookshelf or borrow from your local library:

Last Child in the Woods
by Richard Louv

Beyond Ecophobia
by David Sobel

15 Minutes Outside
by Rebecca P. Cohen

Sharing Nature with Children
by Joseph Cornell

Balanced and Barefoot
by  Angela J. Hanscom

Vitamin N
by Richard Louv

How to Raise a Wild Child
by Scott D. Sampson

The Green Hour
by Todd Christopher

Your Brain on Nature
by Eva M Selhub, MD & Alan C. Logan, MD


Children’s Books

Children are the future stewards of the earth. Starting in childhood, it’s important that they learn to appreciate and take care of nature, so why not nurture that with vibrant and informative nature books?

This list of children’s books gently discusses critical subjects like what we can do to help preserve our natural resources, how to investigate and explore the inner-workings of ecosystems, and nature books inspire curiosity to delve deeper into topics like conservation, while underscoring lessons of love, compassion, and inclusion… continue at