What does a typical day
look like at Rooted & Free?
Group Meeting
Children join in conversation, engage in music and movement activities, listen to stories, sing songs and participate in other whole-group activities.
Outdoor Group Exploration
Children begin their daily outdoor exploration by trekking through the beautiful woods at Camp Kirchenwald. Activities may include hiking the trails, playing in the forest and exploring small creeks.
Snack Time
After thoroughly washing up, the children will enjoy the snack they brought from home.
Instruction Time
Teacher-directed activities occur in small groups, giving children the chance to ask more questions and allowing teachers to evaluate each child’s needs and progress. This setting also gives teachers the opportunity to focus on a particular skill set, promoting individualized learning.
Free Choice Time
Children have uninterrupted time to choose what they will play and explore. Ideally, this will take place outside, but if the weather demands, we will be indoors during this time.
Closing Group Meeting
Children and teachers gather to reflect on the day’s activities and to say goodbye before heading home.