What is risky play?
Risk vs. Hazard
Risk is present when a child is able to see an activity, assess the potential consequences, and make their own choice about whether or not they want to participate in the activity.
Hazard is present when there is an unsafe situation that the child can’t see or assess, and therefore can’t make an informed decision about whether or not they want to participate.
In our play, we will ensure that children have the choice of whether or not they want to engage in risky play, but they will not be exposed to hazards.
Examples of
Risky Play
climbing trees
exploring the stream
playing with sticks
carving sticks
playing on a steep hill
Benefits of Risky Play
Studies have shown that children who participate in risky play when they are young have better motor skills, social skills, conflict resolution skills, physical health, mental health, cognitive function, attention span, and risk assessment in their teens and young adulthood.
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