Since it is located at a Christian camp, is Rooted & Free a Christian-based school? 


Rooted & Free is based at a Christian camp, but we are not affiliated with any religious organization. We believe nature play is an ideal setting for developing appreciation and respect for the diversity of the natural world, a fine backdrop for appreciating the beauty in our own diversity.  The short time children are with us is focused primarily on unstructured, child-directed, nature play.  The teacher-directed portions will be those that highlight gross and fine motor skill growth and targeted learning outcomes. We do encourage families to explore the spiritual aspects of a child’s growth as we aim to develop the whole child. Character traits being developed at Rooted & Free such as kindness, selflessness, respect, and courage, are naturally inclusive of all children regardless of the extent to which faith is an aspect of their lives. We embrace children of all creeds, colors, races, and backgrounds, and we respect and value those differences. We welcome discussions with families about all aspects of our holistic approach to child development and respect the decisions of families regarding how they choose to raise their children.